Wildlife & Natural History Q-Line
Have you ever found a bone or fossil in the yard and wondered if it could be part of a dinosaur? Have you ever found a snake and did not know if it was dangerous or not? Have you ever wondered why that turtle dug such a large hole? Questions like these and many more can be answered by accessing the website developed by the MSU Museum, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Zoology, and MSU Extension. "Critter Guy" Jim Harding coordinates educational information for all ages.
Full Program Details
and Registration
Visit Program Page
MSU Museum
409 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing
MI 48824
409 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing
MI 48824
Contact Information
- Brittany Carter
- Phone: 517-353-7978
- E-mail: carte287@msu.edu