Found 120 results


Programs, Camps, and Activities

4-H Animal and Veterinary Science Camp

  • Session 1: Jul 7-8, 2025
  • Session 2: Jul 9-10, 2025
  • 6—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • College Preparation
  • Medical Sciences
  • Summer Program

Michigan 4-H Animal and Veterinary Science Camp is for youth who are interested in exploring animal and veterinary science related projects and activities. 

The Michigan 4-H Animal and Veterinary Science Camp is a pre-college program held at Michigan State University (MSU) in partnership with MI 4-H Youth Development, MSU Department of Animal Science and MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Youth explore fields and careers relating to animal science and veterinary medicine, visit MSU farms and facilities, and participate in numerous hands-on learning activities.

To better meet demands and engage more youth in this experience, this camp has been shortened and will be offered twice as a two-day day camp. Lodging will be the responsibility of the participant’s family.

4-H Capitol Experience Summit

  • Session 1: Mar 16-18, 2025
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation
  • Leadership Skills
  • Social Studies

Do you want to make our state a better place? 4-H Capitol Experience is now open for registrations! 

Youth registrants will select an issue group according to their interests, which will be led by a teen facilitator. Issue groups will provide a space for youth to meet peers from across the state while talking about their ideas and what they learned. Youth will: meet elected officials; hear from experts in policy representing a broad range of careers; hear from young people who have made a difference in their communities; and discuss hot topics important to youth.

Who: Youth in 9th grade through 19 years of age. 4-H and non-4-H members welcome!

(Non-4-H members will be asked to sign up in 4-H Online)

What: A 3-day event where youth can meet with peers to talk about issues that are important to them, network with folks that work in a wide variety of roles related to public policy and see state government in action.

4-H Children's Garden Camp Monet

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 1—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program

Young artists will love spending three days in the garden creating marvelous projects. Campers will use inspiration from the garden to make projects that involve sketching, painting, sculpting, dying, weaving and much more! Registration required.

4-H Children's Garden Stories for Sprouts and Seedlings

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K
  • Agriculture
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

The Stories for Sprouts and Seedlings will take place at the 4-H Children's Garden on the campus of MSU. 


4-H Children's Garden Writers Workshop

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

This garden series is for young writers that want to learn about the wonderful world of writing in the garden. Write poems, haikus, stories and much more using the gardens for inspiration. Local author Martin Brennan will share his stories and talk about how he became an author. 

4-H Exploration Days

  • Date: Jun 18-20, 2025
  • 6—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Business
  • College Preparation
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Leadership Skills
  • Math & Science
  • Medical Sciences
  • Social Studies
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight

This MSU pre-college program gives young people a chance to experience college life, learn new ideas and skills, and meet people from across Michigan.

Join about 1,000 other youth on the campus of Michigan State University for 4-H Exploration Days! This fun pre-college program is designed to:

  • Increase responsibility, confidence, independence, accountability, problem-solving, decision-making and time management skills.
  • Increase communication, teamwork, citizenship, and leadership skills.
  • Foster ability to meet new people and make new friends from different places and backgrounds.
  • Develop and expand career and personal interests.
  • Increase college exploration and access to the Michigan State University campus and its resources.
  • Develop social and academic skills needed for a successful transition to college and life as an adult.
  • Give youth opportunities to try things that aren’t available in their county.

You will choose several sessions to attend during your stay, from more than 100 choices, which are taught by MSU faculty, 4-H volunteers, and staff members. You will live in an MSU dorm and eat in the cafeteria--just like MSU students! And there will be plenty of time for fun activities, such as skating, souvenir shopping, and exploring.


The 2025 cost is $250 - The fee includes meals, a shared room in a dorm, sessions and a t-shirt. You may wish to check with your county MSU Extension office to see if scholarship funds are available. 

4-H Great Lakes & Natural Resources Camp

  • Date: Jul 27-2, 2025
  • 6—12
  • College Preparation
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight

Young teens have fun and amazing outdoor, hands-on learning experiences as they go charter fishing, snorkeling, sailing, hike through forests, wade through wetlands, explore dunes and more! This really fun MSU pre-college program could be the highlight of your summer - it could even change your life!


There are limited spots open for this 2025 camp year (camp capacity is 70 Campers). Please contact Joe at if you are interested! 

The 2025 camper fee is $500.00. The fee includes six nights in a cabin setting, all meals and snacks and a full day of experiential learning with Michigan State University Extension staff. Water activities, camp crafts, night hikes and charter fishing are included, plus a t-shirt!

4-H Youth Development

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Business
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Leadership Skills
  • Math & Science
  • Social Studies
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

Available to youth aged 5 - 19.

Michigan 4-H Youth Development is the youth division of MSU Extension. 4-H involves adult volunteers in providing positive, experiential, university knowledge-based educational opportunities for and with youth aged 5 to 19 to improve their lives and communities. Programming is delivered through 4-H clubs and in- and out-of-school, community-based networks. County-based staff members, in concert with on-campus MSU faculty members, serve every Michigan county with programming focused on children, youth and families; agriculture and natural resources; and community and economic development.

4-H Youth Development gives youth the opportunity to expand their friend circle, use their creativity, build on their leadership skills, and make a difference in their community. 4-H is the largest out-of-school youth program in the nation, with more than 5 million youth involved in clubs, after-school groups, and other activities all over the country. You can select a 4-H youth program designed for just your age group. You can join the 230,000 youth in Michigan who are doing cool things and learning more about topics that interest them by contacting your local MSU Extension office.

Call your closest MSU Extension office by dialing toll-free 1-888-MSUE-4MI (1-888-678-3464) and entering the first five letters of your county’s name. Ask to speak with someone about joining 4-H. To locate a county office visit the MSU Extension county office list.

Abrams Planetarium Public Shows

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Math & Science

Public planetarium shows, featuring the Digistar 6 projector, are scheduled for Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 P.M. and Sundays at 2:30 P.M. and 4:00 P.M.


Act One Family Series at the Wharton Center

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Act One School Series at the Wharton Center

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music

The Act One School Series provides curriculum-linked, performing arts enrichment activities for students in grades K-12.

Review the event descriptions at the program link, determine which programs work for you, and submit the order form.

ALL: Amo Linguam Latinam (I Love Latin!)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

This program is available to qualified world language students in grades 6-10.

ALL is designed so that the participating students can complete in two years the Latin language content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards. Each semester of Latin corresponds to a year of high school French. The ALL program emphasizes developing and refining two skills of language learning: reading and writing. Although Latin is no longer a spoken language, the course builds speaking and listening skills to aid student comprehension. Discussions in ALL are anchored in topics of Roman and medieval culture, conversations about linguistics, and Latin’s role in shaping the English language. Students take the National Latin Exam at the end of each year, and may elect to take AP Latin exam at the end of their second year. Need-based scholarships are available.

Baseball Kids Camp

  • Session 1: Jun 17-19, 2024
  • Session 2: Jul 15-17, 2024
  • K—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The Spartan Baseball Kids Camps are commuter camps for kids aged 6-12 that feature daily skill instruction covering the same fundamentals the Spartans work on every day. Each day instruction will cover a different facet of baseball – featuring hitting, baserunning, throwing & defensive skill instruction. Camp will conclude daily with game play to develop competitiveness and team building skills.

Please bring water bottle, cleats, bat, glove, baseball pants and helmet to camp.

Meals Provided: None (Water and Gatorade only will be provided)

Basketball Camp - Hosted by MSU Men's Basketball Team

  • Session 1: Jun 10-13, 2024
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

This commuter camp is for campers ages 8-18.

Every summer, MSU Men's Basketball Coach Tom Izzo and his staff host Basketball Camp. Campers experience expert instruction from one of the top coaching staffs in the country, an 8-to-1 player-to-coach ratio, guest instructors, motivational speakers, and game competition. All basketball skills are covered. Lunch is provided. Cost: $495.

For sports-specific questions, please call 517-355-1643. For general or registration information, visit the website below.

Basketball Camp - Hosted by Women's Basketball Team

  • Session 1: Jun 17-19, 2024
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The Summer Basketball Camp hosted by Women's Basketball is for beginning players with emphasis on basic techniques, rules, and sportsmanship. Lunch is provided. 


Broad Art Museum Family Day

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music

Family Day is always free and invites visitors of all ages to explore the many ways that art reflects the world around them. Different themes each month serve as inspiration for art-making and conversation. Explore the galleries through guided activities from the family day team. Imagine, build, and create at a variety of hands-on art making stations.

Bug House Open House

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Math & Science

This FREE event is appropriate for all ages. Advance registration is required.

Our open house provides an opportunity to see the Bug House at your own leisure for free! Learn many fascinating facts as you view the amazing, pinned displays and interact with a whole room of insects, including stick bugs and tarantulas!


CHAMP: Cooperative Highly Accelerated Mathematics Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Math & Science
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to students applying in grades 6-9 who are qualifiedly gifted in mathematics.

CHAMP is designed so that the participating students will complete in two years the math content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards. In year 1, students study Algebra I and Algebra II. In Year 2, students complete Geometry and a standard pre-calculus course (Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, College Algebra, and a brief introduction to calculus concepts). CHAMP programs are offered at MSU's campus in East Lansing and Avondale. Need-based scholarships are available.

Child Development Laboratories at MSU (East Lansing and Haslett)

Child Development Laboratories at MSU (East Lansing and Haslett)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K

The MSU CDLs in East Lansing and Haslett have COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plans in place for the safety of children, families, and staff.

The MSU Child Development Laboratories are open to the public. We offer a full-day preschool program for children from birth to kindergarten at our East Lansing campus and a half-day preschool program for children ages 3 to kindergarten at our Haslett campus. The Child Development Laboratory is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

College Assistance Migrant Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Agriculture
  • College Preparation
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to seasonal farmworkers and their children who have spent 75 days in migrant and/or seasonal farmwork in Michigan during the past 24 months.

Are you a seasonal farmworker interested in attending MSU? MSU’s College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is designed to assist incoming migrant and seasonal farmworker students at MSU in the transition to University life. CAMP provides you with support services to help you enter and stay in school. Students receive assistance with completing all necessary forms, on-campus housing, developing a support system, tutors, limited supplemental financial assistance including supplies for school and meeting support staff at MSU.

Creative Writing Starting With Pictures

Creative Writing Starting With Pictures

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—5
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

Do pictures tell a story? Participation in this session will send you on excursions to various locations across the MSU campus to capture pictures and gather story ideas then use them to create a unique photojournal. This session of writing camp emphasizes visual images, descriptive writing, and creative thinking. You will be taught by a National Writing Project Teacher Consultant: Mrs. Mary Wilkinson. This session is full day, so please bring snacks, water, and a lunch each day of camp. This session is for grades 3-5

Instructor: Mrs. Mary Wilkinson and Savannah Harris

Grade Level: Students entering 3rd–5th grade

Dates & Time: June 19-22, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Cost: $250

Enrollment cutoff: 20

Dual Enrollment:  College Courses Open to High School Students

Dual Enrollment: College Courses Open to High School Students

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation
  • College Credit
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to high school students.

Dual Enrollment is an opportunity for high schools students in grades 9-12 to enroll in college courses simultaneously. This is an advantage for students who have exhausted the advanced course options in their high school; they can continue their advanced study by taking an appropriate level college class. Also, some high schools may not offer certain elective subjects, but a student with interest and motivation can dual enroll in a college course to explore different subjects. Most entry-level classes at MSU are open to dual enrollment students! Higher level classes usually require meeting pre-requisites.

Engineering Design Day

Engineering Design Day

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Field Hockey Day Camps

Field Hockey Day Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 8—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

First-Year Seminars Abroad

First-Year Seminars Abroad

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Football Camps

Football Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

Spartan Football High School Skills Prospect Camp Date(s) TBD. 4-7 p.m. Grades 9-12. $70. Box dinner provided.

Spartan Football High School Bigs Prospect Camp Date(s) TBD. 4-7 p.m. Grades 9-12. $70. Box dinner provided.

Spartan Football High School Specialists Prospect Camp Date(s) TBD, 2024. 4-7 p.m. Grades 9-12. $70. Box dinner provided.

Spartan Football Full Day Youth Camp Date(s) TBD, 2023. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Grades 1-4. $175. Lunch provided.

Spartan Football High School Skills Prospect Camp Date(s) TBD, 2024. 4-7 p.m. Grades 9-12. $70. Box dinner provided.

Spartan Football High School Bigs Prospect Camp Date(s) TBD, 2024. 4-7 p.m. Grades 9-12. $70. Box dinner provided.

Spartan Football Full Day Youth Camp Date(s) TBD, 2024. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Grades 5-8. $175. Lunch provided.

The MSU Football Summer Camps are designed to give you a solid foundation in the basic football fundamentals. Camp meets at the Skandalaris Football Building.

For sports-specific questions, please call 517-355-1616. For general and registration questions, visit the website below.

Fostering Academics, Mentoring Excellence (FAME)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation
  • Financial Assistance

FAME (Fostering Academics, Mentoring Excellence) is a resource center for foster youth alumni attending MSU as well as for youth who were in kinship care, have experienced homelessness, or are otherwise independent. FAME exists to provide support and resources to these students during their time at MSU to help them be successful during their collegiate experience on MSU's campus and during their transition to becoming MSU alumni.

FAME, a program of the MSU School of Social Work, provides resources to help students throughout their MSU journey, including:

  • Basic care items
  • Mentoring
  • Life skills training
  • Scholarships
  • Opportunities to serve on the Student Advisory Board

For upcoming events, visit: Events | FAME - Fostering Academics, Mentoring Excellence | Michigan State University

Future Spartan Engineers Preview Day

Future Spartan Engineers Preview Day

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
GEAR UP Program

GEAR UP Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Gifted and Talented Programs

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 4—12
  • College Preparation
  • Math & Science
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

Academic Year Programs for grades 7-9 include: CHAMP-Math, ISHALL-English, LEAF-French, All-Latin, and M.A.N.G.A.-Japanese.

Students earn 4 years of high school curriculum credit at the accelerated rate of 2 or 3 years.

Summer programs for grades 4-11 include:

  • GUPPY – Gifted University for Precocious and Passionate Youth
  • MST - Math, Science, and Technology program
  • MSTL – Math, Science, Technology and Leadership program
  • IS4GT – Intensive Studies for Gifted and Talented

GATE Summer Programs allow students to explore new topics and interests that are not typically covered in standard middle school curricula. Students learn with their peers through fun, hands-on activities, and are challenged with new information beyond their current realm of knowledge.

View additional information on GATE's website.

Grandparents University

Grandparents University

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
GUPPY: Gifted University for Precocious and Passionate Youth

GUPPY: Gifted University for Precocious and Passionate Youth

  • Session 1: Jun 16-20, 2025
  • Session 2: Jun 20-22, 2025
  • Session 3: Jun 23-27, 2025
  • Session 4: Jun 27-29, 2025
  • Session 5: Jul 7-11, 2025
  • Session 6: Jul 14-18, 2025
  • 4—6
  • Computers & Technology
  • Math & Science
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

GUPPY is a weeklong or weekend program for gifted students in grades 4-6. GUPPY is designed for young gifted and talented students to attend classes taught by MSU faculty and subject experts at Michigan State University for the weekend or a half-day week. This GATE program will offer young, gifted students a variety of accelerated exploratory educational presentations and hands-on experiences in MSU’s laboratories and classrooms. 

Please see the different class track options on the GUPPY Curriculum page for grade 4 and grades 5-6.

GUPPY will have 3-4 classes per track. Each class will be one hour and 30 minutes long Monday-Friday, or one hour and forty minutes long in the weekend program.



Gymnastics Camps

Gymnastics Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The gymnastics commuter camps are available to campers ages 8-18. The following camps will be offered at the Jenison Field House on MSU's campus:

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 2 Days: Date(s) TBD. Bring your lunch. $300.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 2 Days: Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Bring your lunch. $300.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 2 Days: Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Bring your lunch. $300.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

Spartan Gymnastics High-Performance Camp - 1 Day Option Date(s) TBD. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Bring your lunch. $150.

MSU's Spartan Gymnastics Camps look for enthusiastic campers who are willing to train hard to improve their skill level and have fun doing it! The program features instruction on the vault, bars, beams, tumbling, dance techniques, conditioning, and flexibility. The sessions are held at the gynmastics facility in MSU's Jenison Field House.

If you have sports-specific questions, call 517-355-4708. For general and registration questions, visit the website below.

Health Science Scholar Institute

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation
  • Leadership Skills
  • Math & Science
  • Medical Sciences
  • Summer Program

The Health Sciences Scholar Institute (HSSI) is a 4-week intensive summer program designed for rising 10th and 11th grade high school students interested in the medical profession. The program meets virtually Monday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. thru 3:30 p.m. and will require daily attendance and participation. This program will meet each day. There is no fee to participate.

Program details and registration link is available until TBD date.

High School Engineering Institute (HSEI) - Residential

  • Session 1: Jun 22-26, 2025
  • Session 2: Jul 6-10, 2025
  • Session 3: Jul 13-17, 2025
  • 9—12
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight

This co-ed program is open to both U.S. and international students entering grades 10-12 in fall 2025 as well as recent graduates.

Intended for rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors seriously considering engineering as their career choice, this residential program is designed to give them in-depth experiences of engineering majors.

Each day students will learn about a major and spend time with an engineering faculty member, a graduate student, an undergraduate student engaged in short lecture, demonstrations, hands-on activities, team-based problem solving, and tours.

Presentations by the Honors College, Admissions Office, Study Abroad and The Center (Co-op/Internship and Undergraduate Research Opportunities) as well as tours of engineering research facilities will be conducted.

Cost: $1,099

Session Information


Hockey Camps

Hockey Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The MSU Hockey Camps are for youth ages 8-15 and ages 14-20 and take place at the Munn Ice Arena on MSU's campus. The following commuter-only hockey camps are offered in summer 2024:

Michigan State Hockey School 1 (Ages 8-15): Dates TBD

Michigan State Hockey School 2 (ages 8-15): Dates TBD

Spartan Standard Hockey Camp (ages 14-16): Dates TBD

Spartan Standard Hockey Camp (ages 17-20): Dates TBD

The Spartan Hockey Curriculum is a fast moving, high tempo program that pushes the player to higher levels of play. It covers every aspect of the game both offensively and defensively. It is designed to challenge all ages and skill levels on and off the ice.

For sports-specific questions, call 517-355-1639. For general registration questions, visit the website below.

Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

IS4GT: Intensive Studies for Gifted and Talented

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Medical Sciences
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

Intensive Studies for Gifted and Talented (IS4GT) is a one-week advanced program in a specific concentrated curriculum for gifted students grades 6-11. Each IS4GT immerses students in a topic during the week. Classes are offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.

Dates TBD):

  • Intensive Study in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Cartography: Hundreds of Years in the Making


Dates TBD (Commuter or Residential)

  • Intensive Study in Pre-Med
  • Intensive Study in Path Finding and Game AI (Artificial Intelligence)

ISHALL: Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Writing & Language
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to students in grades 6-10 who are gifted in English Language Arts.

ISHALL is designed so that the participating students will complete in two years the English content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards. Students study a wide range of media including novels, biographies, plays, poetry, film, and a variety of genres and literary periods. Need-based scholarships are available.

Jr. Olympic Archery Development Program

Jr. Olympic Archery Development Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition

M.A.N.G.A: Michigan’s Accelerated NihonGo for Americans

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Writing & Language
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to qualified, gifted students applying in grades 6-9.

MANGA is designed so that participating students can complete in three years the Japanese language content assigned in the Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school Japanese, as well as meet the Common Core National Standards. Semesters 1-4 of the GATE Japanese program correspond to two years of high school Japanese; semesters 5-6 correspond to a high school AP Japanese course. Need-based scholarships are available.

Making a Game of IT (MGIT) - Residential

  • Session: Jul 13-18, 2025
  • 9—12
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight

This is a co-ed program open to both U.S. and international students entering grades 11 and 12 in fall 2025 as well as recent graduates.

Making a Game of it (MGIT) facilitates students' technological growth and provides computer software skills that are directly applicable to STEM-related professions. Students participating in this program will:

  • Develop software in Python
  • Design a video game
  • Be prepared to enter MSU’s Computer Science degree-granting program

This program is taught by MSU’s faculty and graduate students who are experienced researchers and teachers interested in sharing computer and coding skills with future engineering students.

Cost: $1,199

Program schedule

Math Summer Camps

  • Session 1: Jun 16-20, 2025
  • Session 2: Jun 23-27, 2025
  • K—8
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

The MSU Mathematics Department is offering in-person summer camps.

Elementary camps include Math Explorers (Grades 1-2), Geometry (Grades 2-4), From Zero to Infinity (Grades 4-6).

Middle-school offerings TBA.

The camp fee is $150. Need-based scholarships are available.

For a detailed schedule and registration information, visit the program page link.

Math, Science, Technology and Leadership (MSTL@MSU)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—8
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

The Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Leadership (MSTL) program at Michigan State University is a one-week summer commuter or residential program for academically talented students who are in grades 9 or 10 during the 2023-2024 school year

The MSTL program offers advanced curriculum in STEM areas. Students will take two STEM-based classes designed to stimulate them to learn about new developments in mathematics, science, and technology and to explore related career fields. Then, students will take an enrichment class.

Maximizing Academic Growth in College (MAGIC)

Maximizing Academic Growth in College (MAGIC)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Summer Program

Men's Soccer Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

These camps by the MSU Men's Soccer Team are available to students in grades 10-12.

Men's Soccer One-Day Prospect Camp 1: Date TBD

Men's Soccer Two-Day Elite Prospect Camp: Date TBD

For sports-specific questions, call 517-432-1887. For general or registration information, visit the website below.

Michigan Indian Leadership Program (MILP)

Michigan Indian Leadership Program (MILP)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 7—11
  • College Preparation
  • Leadership Skills
  • Summer Program

Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament

Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Michigan State Women's Basketball Elite Camp

  • Session 1: Jun 28-28, 2024
  • 9—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The Michigan State Women's Basketball Elite Camp is for more advanced players.

Middle School Girls Math and Science Day

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 5—8

The Mid-Michigan chapter of Graduate Women in Science is excited to welcome middle school students to MSU's campus on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 (1-5 PM) for a free day of hands-on STEM activities! 

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to participate in STEM demonstrations led by some of MSU's enthusiastic and knowledgeable students and researchers. Students will be able to see and experience many types of STEM fields throughout the day, with the ability to revisit an activity as many times as they like.

The day for each participant will consist of:

  • Two faculty talks
  • Two 20-minute STEM-themed activities according to the student preference 
  • Science fair-like session with a scavenger hunt 
  • Afternoon snack 
  • Ice cream social 
  • Gift bag giveaway and thank-you note signing

Midwest Youth Wellness Initiative on Technology (MYWIT)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Computers & Technology
  • Summer Program

A virtual camp to learn about and provide feedback on scientific studies regarding the association between technology and mental wellbeing among adolescents. Opportunities to learn about the careers of those who conduct similar studies and use the results to better the lives of adolescents. A $100 stipend is provided to participants. Internet and a mobile device is available as a loan to those who need one. Applicants must reside in the Midwest region and self-identify as a member of a community of color.

MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Business
  • Computers & Technology
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight
  • Financial Assistance

MIPA accepts participants entering grades 7-12 (for the upcoming fall) for any of our workshop classes. Workshop will take place in person at Michigan State University.

Whether you’re a writer, photographer, designer, yearbook editor or news anchor — or if you’re just starting to explore journalism — MIPA will help you meet your goals and prepare for whatever challenges lie ahead.

You’ll spend five days on MSU’s East Lansing campus working with some of the best instructors in the nation as you become a better journalist, explore print or digital media creation and find your voice. Scholarships and fundraising assistance is available.

MSU Bikes Service Center - Bike Rentals and Sales

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

If you love to ride bikes, visit the MSU Bikes Service Center, a full-service bike repair, sales and rental facility, located on campus in the former canoe rental facility which is just 300 ft. northwest of the Farm Lane Bridge on the River Trail. It offers bikes for rent (short to long term), a full range of bike repair services, long-term storage services, bike accessories (locks, tires, lubes, helmets, etc.), a free air station just outside the shop for 24/7 air for your tires, bike assembly service (if you bought a bike on eBay, etc. and need it put together correctly), a free bike-related DVD & book library and more.

MSU Community Music School - Early Childhood Music Classes - Youth Ukulele I

MSU Community Music School - Early Childhood Music Classes - Youth Ukulele I - Detroit

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program

Through musical play, early childhood classes encourage children’s musical, cognitive, social and emotional development. 

The Community Music School-Detroit also offers classes and camps for older students and adults.

MSU Community Music School - Music Classes - Detroit

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Financial Assistance

The MSU Community Music School-Detroit offers a variety of classes this summer. The schedule offers something for the very young through the young-at-heart. Choose from youth instrumental and vocal classes, adult jazz ensembles, or enroll in one-on-one private lessons. The MSU Community Music School – Detroit offers something for everyone! 


Sign-up for the following classes is available on CMS-Detroit's website:

  • Spartan Youth Jazz Ensembles  
  • Group Music Instructions
  • Eary Childhood
  • Private Lessons
  • Music Therapy Private Lessons
  • Music Classes

MSU Community Music School - Music Lessons, Classes, Ensembles, and Music Therapy

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

Private music lessons, classes, ensembles as well as private and group music therapy sessions are available year-round to participants of all ages and abilities.  Programs for youth include the Early Childhood Music Program for ages birth-7, Children and Youth Choirs, Suzuki Strings and Piano, private lessons and private and group music therapy.  Adults can participate in the Adult Community Ensembles, Adult Group Piano, Choral Union, private lessons and private and group music therapy sessions. 

Program Details and Registration:

Phone: (517) 355-7661


MSU Community Music School - Summer Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

CMS offers multiple day camps each summer for youth and adults.

Program Details and Registration:

Phone: (517) 355-7661


MSU High School Equivalency Program for Migrant or Seasonal Farm Workers

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—11
  • College Preparation

This program is available to individuals who are at least 18 years old (to live at MSU) or 16 years or older (connecting online from home) who are not enrolled in school, and who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent.”

The Michigan State University High School Equivalency Program (MSU HEP) is a secondary education program that offers individuals with migrant or seasonal farm work backgrounds, a unique opportunity to obtain a General Educational Development certificate (GED). This program offers the best conditions in order to help our students obtain their GED, as well as to help them develop academic, vocational, and personal skills necessary for placement in higher education, careers, or military.

MSU Model United Nations Session XXIII

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Leadership Skills
  • Social Studies

This program is available to high school students. The program will take place at the MSU Union in East Lansing, MI.

The Michigan State Model United Nations Conference is an event that allows you to not only become an active participant in the world around you, but also teaches life-long skills.

While in committee, you will be assisted in developing the ability to collaborate amongst peers, negotiate between parties with strong convictions, and draft official documents. You will also enhance your reasoning skills through trying to solve dynamic, multidimensional problems. Both in General Assemblies and Crisis, you and the other delegates are encouraged to work together to reach a common goal. As a result of this program, you will be able to return home with abilities that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Multicultural Apprenticeship Program (MAP)

Multicultural Apprenticeship Program (MAP)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round


  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Outdoor Archery Classes at the Demmer Shooting Sports and Education Center

Outdoor Archery Classes at the Demmer Shooting Sports and Education Center

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition

We offer a variety of archery experiences from beginner to advanced. We also offer experiences designed specifically for women and children.

Description of the Demmer Center:

The Demmer Center is a shooting sports training facility that has seven indoor and outdoor archery ranges (including a 3D walking course). The center offers a variety of classes, leagues, programs, training sessions and youth-specific events in archery. These experiences are designed for people of all skill levels and walks of life.

Performing Arts Marching Band Auxiliary Camps

Performing Arts Marching Band Auxiliary Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program

Physicists Inspiring the Next Generation: Exploring the Nuclear Matter (PING)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Physicists Inspiring the Next Generation: Exploring the Nuclear Matter (PING) is a program that targets both pre-college students and undergraduate students (who serve as mentors). PING dates TBD, at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB).

PING 2024 is a two-week experience in nuclear physics at FRIB with the potential to turn into a year-long real research experience. During this time, students will present their work at the National Society of Black Physicists and the American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics conferences. Students also work closely with the MoNA Collaboration.

PING was launched in 2014 as a collaboration between the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in partnership with Associated Universities, Inc.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Program

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Explore scientific research in nuclear astrophysics, conduct your own experiments, and discover applications for society! Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) activities are hosted in the world-leading Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The program, room, and board are FREE to all participants.

PAN is a residential program for current high school students in the United States.

See program page for more details!

Project FISH

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

This program is appropriate for all age groups.

Project FISH (Friends Involved in Sportfishing Heritage) is an educational program for youth and families, and others interested in fishing and fisheries. One goal of the program is to encourage an appreciation for the outdoors and outdoor ethics. Project FISH is a mentor-based community supported program that involves many partners, including: Michigan 4-H Youth Programs; MSU’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife; Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division; Michigan United Conservation Clubs; recreation departments; service organizations; sport fishing industries; volunteers; and others to provide education and fishing skills to interested adults and youth.

Science Theatre

Science Theatre

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Math & Science

Science Theatre's mission is to get children and adults alike excited about the wonders of science. We are a Michigan State University outreach group run by students dedicated to spreading science through demonstrations to the younger generation! We do this through engaging and entertaining demos that are great for anyone from children to adults.

Seats 4 Kids at the Wharton Center for Performing Arts

Seats 4 Kids at the Wharton Center for Performing Arts

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Soccer (Youth) Sports Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

These commuter camps take place at DeMartin Stadium on MSU's campus.

Spartan Youth Soccer Camp 1: Dates TBD

Spartan Half-Day Soccer Camp: Dates TBD

Spartan Pre-Prospect Soccer Camp: Dates TBD

Spartan Youth Soccer Camp 1: Dates TBD

Spartan Half-Day Soccer Camp: Dates TBD

The Michigan State University Spartan Soccer Camp offers players of all levels the opportunity to develop skills, tactics and their overall knowledge of the game. Players will be instructed by the Michigan State men’s and women’s coaching staffs as well as other top college, club and high school coaches. Current and former varsity players will round out the coaching staff. Each participant will receive a T-shirt.

For sports-specific questions, call 517-432-1887. For registration or general questions, call 517-432-0730 or email

Softball Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

These softball camps will take place at the Secchia Stadium on MSU's campus. The following camps are offered in 2025:

Spartan Elite Camp: Dates TBD
Spartan All Skills Camp: Dates TBD
Spartan Elite Camp 2: Dates TBD
Spartan Elite Pitching and Catching Camp: Dates TBD

Play ball! MSU’s head softball coach and her staff work with you to develop skills and strategies in the area of your choice. All camps are commuter only.

For sports specific questions, call 517-355-4752. For registration or general questions, please call 517-432-0730 or email

Spartan Baseball Comprehensive Camp

  • Session 1: Jul 15-17, 2024
  • 7—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

The Spartan Baseball Kids Camps are commuter camps for kids aged 6-12 that feature daily skill instruction covering the same fundamentals the Spartans work on every day. Each day instruction will cover a different facet of baseball – featuring hitting, baserunning, throwing & defensive skill instruction. Camp will conclude daily with game play to develop competitiveness and team building skills.

Please bring water bottle, cleats, bat, glove, baseball pants and helmet to camp.

Spartan Child Development Center (SCDC)

Spartan Child Development Center (SCDC)

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Spartan Girls in Engineering Summer Camp

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight

This program is for students entering 7th-9th grade.


Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lunch included.

Exposure to engineering through hands-on activities, learning from engineering faculty and students. Students will be encouraged to practice logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Learn how engineering makes a difference in our world and plays a key role in every aspect of our lives.

Cost for commuter: $575 commuter; $975 residential. 

Location: Engineering Building

Spartan LEGO Robotics - Commuter

  • Session 1: Jun 16-20, 2025
  • Session 2: Jun 23-27, 2025
  • Session 3: Jul 7-11, 2025
  • 4—7
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Build and test multiple robotic systems, beginning with EV3 and progressing to more advanced engineering robotics systems such as VEX IQ. Work in teams to build custom robots, test your ideas, and learn engineering problem-solving skills. Then face-off against other teams in robot vs. robot competitions!

Program Fee: $399 per participant

Spartan Writing Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program
  • Financial Assistance

Spartan Writing Camp has invited elementary and middle- and high-school writers to explore their love of writing with countless opportunities to write about the thoughts, ideas and experiences that move them. Camp instructors, who are experienced teachers and Red Cedar Writing Project teacher consultants, help students nurture and develop the writer within using MSU’s campus for inspiration.

The following camps are for students in Grades 3-5.

Camp dates TBD

It's the Little Things: Are you an admirer of little things; a buzzing bee, a leaf on a tree, a dragonfly wing, a croaking frog, interesting words, the chime of a clock, a favorite ice cream flavor, and more? We are going to go on daily field trips around the MSU campus to capture the little things through our writing and photographs.

Wizarding World of Writing: Calling all young witches and wizards! Do you dream about attending a school for magic or having your own magical adventure? Writers will grow their imagination through activities including creating spell books and making wands.

Genres on the Loose!: Are you looking to be inspired to think outside the box and explore different genres and different ways to publish your writing? Look no more…. Genres can be so much more than your traditional personal narrative, opinion piece, or informational report. This exciting camp explores different genres besides what we learn in school.

Exploring Stories with Animals and Insects: This session offers a unique blend of creative writing exploration and hands-on animal encounters that will ignite your child’s imagination. Throughout the program, students will embark on a thrilling journey to discover the wonders of the animal kingdom through various field trips around MSU’s campus, getting up close and personal with a variety of fascinating creatures.

Camp dates TBD

Twisted Tales and Other Writing Fun: Most people write in first person, but have you ever tried another perspective or view? Twisted Tales: Maybe the Big Bad Wolf isn’t so bad- just misunderstood, maybe Goldilocks accidentally arrived at the wrong address, maybe there is a better ending to your favorite story, it’s all up to you and the perspective or view you want to write.

Camp dates TBD

Adventures in Ink and Steam: This immersive camp invites young minds to explore the captivating world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) through a four-day writing adventure.

The following camp is for students entering Grades 4-6.

Camp dates TBD

Library Lovers Writing Camp: Do you love libraries? Would you like to read about libraries and start stories inspired by them? In this half-day camp, students will visit special places inside the MSU Library, hear about libraries with unexpected origins and ones found in unusual places, design a dream library, and respond to library-related writing prompts.

The following camps are for students entering Grades 6-8.

Camp dates TBD

Discovering the Zine: In Telling Stories That Matter: A Journalism Camp, middle school students will learn to gather information effectively, ask the right questions during an interview, and organize their ideas into a story that matters. Throughout the week, campers will have the opportunity to research and interview well-known Spartans on campus and experience the editorial process firsthand.

Camp dates TBD

Graphic Novel Writing: Stories and images come alive when they tell a story together through graphic novels. Writers in this camp will explore cartooning, illustrating, and storytelling. Come create stories with words and images connecting on the page.

Camp dates TBD

Mixing Music and Lyrics: Have you ever wondered how your favorite musical artists create their songs? This is the camp for you! Students in this camp will investigate different types of songs, writing lyrics to their own song, attaching a melody to their song with a local musician, and creating a music video.

The following camps are for students entering Grades 9-12.

Camp dates TBD

Quests and Quills: Tabletop Role-Playing Writing Camp: Embark on a literary odyssey where aspiring role-players delve into the realms of imagination. Join fellow adventurers in crafting epic tales, creating exciting characters, honing your quill skills, and conquering the challenges of storytelling.

Camp dates TBD

Writing for Social Change and Connection: In this workshop, we will explore the basics of writing journalistic feature stories and editorial opinion pieces. Throughout the week, we will create a collaborative e-newsletter that shares stories, resources, and opinion pieces that are reflective of your community and experiences.

Camp dates TBD

All Star Authors: Explore Storytelling with Sport: Welcome to a writing camp where your love for the game meets the power of the pen. We will look for inspiration from books, pop culture, the sports world, and MSU’s campus to enhance our storytelling capabilities.

Camp dates TBD

Cardboard Creators: Board & Card Game Design Writing Camp.

Camp dates TBD

It’s All About the Shorts: In this session, we will dig into short stories from a diverse array of 20th and 21st-century authors, focusing primarily on sci-fi, magical realism, and culture and identity related themes and topics. Students will also have ample time to craft their own short story that will be compiled in our student anthology at the end of the week.

Spartan Youth Jazz Programs in Detroit

Spartan Youth Jazz Programs in Detroit

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Spartan Youth Wind Symphony for High School Musicians

Spartan Youth Wind Symphony for High School Musicians

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Sports Skills Program for Persons with Disabilities

Sports Skills Program for Persons with Disabilities

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Summer Circle Theatre Kids Camp

Summer Circle Theatre Kids Camp

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Art, Drama, & Music

Teacher Education Academy

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation
  • Summer Program
  • Overnight
  • Financial Assistance

This program is available to students in partnering urban school districts (Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing).

The MSU College of Education's Teacher Education Academy is a highly selective pre-college program for current 9th through 12th graders from our partnering urban school districts. The MSU College of Education Teacher Education Academy is a residential program on the campus of Michigan State University. The program is intended to increase college preparation and readiness, as well as nurture an interest in careers in education, particularly urban education.

This program includes:

  • Residential experience on the campus of Michigan State University
  • Preparation for success in college with classes including pre-college writing and urban education..
  • Exploration of prospective careers in education.
  • Learn about applying for college scholarships, financial aid and FAFSA.
  • Paid cash stipend upon program completion.

Teddy Bear Hospital and Picnic

Teddy Bear Hospital and Picnic

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Tennis Camp

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

This commuter camp is available to boys and girls, ages 9-18. Camp takes place on MSU's campus on east side of Outdoor Courts, Lot 57.

Camp dates TBD

Campers play on the same courts that the Spartans compete on, at one of the finest collegiate tennis centers in the country. Camps are packed with instruction, techniques, conditioning, and tournaments!

For sports-specific questions, call 517-388-9412. For registration or general questions, call 517-432-0730 or email

Upward Bound of MSU

Upward Bound of MSU

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Visit MSU: Prospective First-Year Events

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • College Preparation

Freshman prospective programs: Most students start by attending a campus visit for a guided tour of MSU's campus, as well as an overview of the admissions process and the university as a whole. If you can't make it in person, attend one of virtual event options. We host virtual prospective first-year programs that provide an overview of the admissions process and the university as a whole with a moderated Q&A with current MSU students. We also have virtual livestreamed campus tours that are led by out student tour guides.

International freshman prospective programs: This virtual prospective first-year program is designed specifically for international students who are considering attending MSU. In this recorded presentation, you'll hear from an international admissions counselor about MSU and our admissions process.

Academic department visits: Academic colleges and departments offer a mix of in-person and virtual meeting options for students and parents looking to learn more about specific programs. Schedule an appointment, attend a webinar or access supplemental information via each department website.

Self-guided campus tours: We know that some students and families may want to visit campus on their own. Guests are welcome to take our self-guided campus tour as an additional option for seeing campus in person.

Virtual tour: Take a tour of MSU's legendary landmarks and explore campus according to your academic career interests in this virtual Michigan State Visit.

Volleyball Camps

Volleyball Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

Wharton Center for the Performing Arts Educational Programming: Wharton At Home

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Summer Program

Wharton Center will continue to offer dynamic programming, education, and outreach. Join us here and on our social media pages as we strive to share our stories and share the arts with our community.

  • whARTon at home Emerging Artists: This series gives young performers, grade K-6, the opportunity to take part in theatrical and choral music experiences. Participants will be introduced to fundamental concepts of each discipline, with an end goal of producing a piece of art that can be shared with family, friends, and the community.
  • Take It From the Top: Virtual Program: Our Take It From The Top musical theater workshops are taught by a vibrant, talented team of experienced Broadway professionals who take time out of their shows and schedules to come to East Lansing and engage with local students.
  • Wharton at Home Summer Sessions: With courses aimed at all interest levels, you will have the opportunity to learn from and create alongside professionals right from the comfort of your own home.
  • Wharton Wednesdays: Helping keep art at the center of your day. Every Wednesday at 10:30am, join us in lessons designed for the whole family.
  • Participate with Wharton: Learn about about ballet, dance and improv with these short lessons or view arts videos for kids on YouTube.

Wharton Center pARTicipate with Wharton: Dance and Improv Videos on YouTube

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music

These videos are appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Learn about about ballet, dance and improv with these short lessons or view arts videos for kids on YouTube. Videos include:


  • Learn 'A Chorus Line' with Debbie Williams
  • Tap Lesson: The Time Step
  • Centering Yoga with Janet Colson
  • Six Dance Routine
  • Garden Ballet Dance Lesson for Kids
  • Story Time: Miss Nelson Has A Field Day
  • Imagination Game
  • The First Rule of Improv
  • The Second Rule of Improv: "Yes, and"
  • The Third Rule of Improv
  • The Fourth Rule of Improv
  • Improv: Going with the flow & working with scene partners
  • Improv: Guessing Games

Wharton Center Young Playwrights Festival

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Writing & Language

This program is available to high school students.

Wharton Center’s Young Playwrights Festival gives Michigan high school students the opportunity to see their one-act plays brought to life on the Pasant Theatre stage. Young playwrights work with mentors in the industry to hone and polish their original works, watching them transform into staged productions directed and performed by MSU Department of Theatre students.

Michigan high school students are invited to submit a monologue to Wharton Center’s annual juried competition. Twelve original works, written by high school students, will be chosen to be produced by students from MSU’s Department of Theatre. The final product will be filmed and edited for viewing on Wharton Center’s website.

The finalists will each be assigned a professional theater mentor who will assist the playwright with revising their play. Each finalist will receive a $200 award and their monologue will be performed by the MSU Department of Theatre.

Wild Wednesday at the Bird Sanctuary

Wild Wednesday at the Bird Sanctuary

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Women's Soccer Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

These camps are available to students in Grades 9 - 12.

Camp Session dates TBD

These camps are intended for serious players who have a strong desire to play at the highest level of college soccer. Campers will work directly with the Michigan State women’s coaching staff and other university coaches for an elite training opportunity and recruiting exposure.

For sports-specific questions, call 517-432-1887. For general or registration questions, call 517-432-0730 or email

Wrestling Camps

Wrestling Camps

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Summer Program

Youth Livestock Programs

Youth Livestock Programs

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Places to Visit

4-H Children's Gardens

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Our goal is to promote an understanding of plants and the role they play in our daily lives; to nurture the wonder in a child's imagination and curiosity; and to provide a place of enrichment and delight for children of all ages.

Abrams Planetarium

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Math & Science

Abrams Planetarium Group Shows

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Math & Science

The Planetarium offers group shows. During weekday business hours, the cost is $3/person with a $60 minimum charge. After hours, the cost is $5/person with a $100 minimum charge. To learn more or book a show, please call or email using the contact information listed below.

The Talbert and Leota Abrams Planetarium, located on the beautiful Michigan State University campus, serves as an astronomy and space science education resource center for central Michigan. The planetarium is an outreach unit of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and as such, we support astronomy teaching on campus as well as offer a variety of planetarium shows to the public--preschool through senior citizens.

For a full list of public shows and pricing: Public Shows 2024-2025

Beaumont Tower Carillon

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12

The Beaumont Tower is a great place to visit! Located one block south of Grand River Avenue and one block north of the Red Cedar bicycle trail in the center of "old campus," the tower is an icon of the beauty and history of MSU's campus. The tower has a carillon, a musical instrument consisting of at least two octaves of bells arranged in chromatic series and played from a keyboard that permits control of expression through variation of touch. There are only 170 carillons in the United States, 12 of them in Michigan. The MSU carillon has 49 bells and is capable of playing the full range of literature composed for the instrument. 

Cyclotron Laboratory Tours

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 3—12
  • Engineering
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Recommended audience: Ages 10 and up. Adults responsible for visitors who are under 18 must provide the signed minor permission form below. The tour route is handicap-accessible and safe for those with medical implants.

If you are curious about what happens in a rare isotope facility and why, a tour is the best way to discover more. Our laboratory offers tours of the research spaces by appointment for interested groups. Public tours generally include demonstrations, an introduction to the goals and methods of nuclear science, and a walk-through of vaults where nuclei are accelerated, filtered and/or studied.

Farm Bureau Pavilion at Michigan State University

Farm Bureau Pavilion at Michigan State University

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

If you're an animal lover, come to the Farm Bureau Pavilion at Michigan State University to experience many fun animal events. The Farm Bureau Pavilion at Michigan State University sponsors numerous year-round animal shows spotlighting horses, cattle, sheep, rabbits, and dogs. These shows are educational and fun!

Hidden Lake Gardens

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Visit one of Michigan’s best kept secrets, Hidden Lake Gardens, located near Tipton approximately 71 miles from MSU’s campus. The garden covers 755 acres of meadows and oak-hickory woodlands filled with an abundance of native flora and fauna. The Garden includes such features such as: indoor and outdoor displays, picnic area, marked hiking trails, guided tours, and educational classes and programs.

Our grounds and trails are open for visitors Tuesday through Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. Walking, hiking, biking, and driving through are permitted.

Address: 6214 W. Monroe Road (Hwy M-50), Tipton, MI 49287

Historic Kellogg Manor Estate Grounds Self-Guided Walking Tours

Historic Kellogg Manor Estate Grounds Self-Guided Walking Tours

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—12
  • Social Studies

While the Manor House is currently closed to tours, the estate grounds remain open for self-guided walking tours from dawn to dusk. You are welcome to pick up a historical walking tour guide from our brochure rack on the office doors at the Manor House or download a PDF version of our Historical Walking Tour. When enjoying the estate, please wear a mask, remain 6 feet away from other visitors, bring your own water, pack out any garbage, and note that there are no open public restrooms available at this time.

Horticultural Gardens at MSU

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Take a stroll through the colorful floral displays of the Horticultural Gardens, located on MSU’s campus south of the Plant and Soil Sciences building. The Gardens include an official All-American Annual Trial Garden, the Landscape Arboretum, the Perennial Garden, the Rose Garden, the Foyer Garden, the 4-H Children’s Garden, and various walkways and plazas. Admission is free.

Ice Skating at Munn Ice Arena

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round

Kellogg Bird Sanctuary

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Visit the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary located at the beautiful MSU Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) in Hickory Corners, Michigan (approximately 65 miles from MSU’s campus). The park-like setting is one of North America’s pioneer wildlife conservation centers. Families and individuals will find the walking paths an enjoyable place to spend time watching wildlife. Guided tours and non-formal workshops are led by MSU experts and volunteers year-round.

MSU Dairy Store

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Summer Program

For a fun place to grab a quick bite on your way to class or camp, visit the Dairy Store at MSU. The Dairy Store now has two locations: Anthony Hall (517-355-8466) and the MSU Union (517-353-9988). The MSU Dairy offers campus-made ice cream, yogurts, and cheeses.

MSU Herbarium

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Math & Science

MSU Libraries

MSU Libraries

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • College Preparation
  • Computers & Technology
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

Any individual who is a Michigan resident (18 years or older) is eligible for community library cards for the Michigan State University Libraries. The Libraries’ collections include more than 4 million volumes, 28,000 serial subscriptions (in print and electronic form), 5 million items in microfilm and microfiche, 200,000 maps, and 40,000 sound recordings. The Libraries include extensive holdings in history, the social sciences, languages and literature, area studies, medicine, agriculture, and general sciences, as well as several specialized, interest-specific collections.

To verify the library is open, please check the website below.

Note: All students, staff and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. on Thursdays-Sundays.

MSU Museum, the Natural Science and Culture Museum at Michigan State University

MSU Museum, the Natural Science and Culture Museum at Michigan State University

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Math & Science
  • Social Studies

As Michigan's largest public science and culture museum, MSU Museum is steward for 1 million objects and specimens from around the world. The Museum offers something for every group through changing exhibitions, hands-on activities, traveling exhibitions, varied collections, field- and collections-based research, educational programs, and community events. The main exhibition building features three floors with 15 galleries and exhibit spaces with collections and research, new and recent acquisitions, MSU faculty work and experimental student projects, and traveling exhibits. The MSU Museum is the state's first Smithsonian Institution affiliate.

MSU Virtual Tours and Admissions Events for Prospective Students

MSU Virtual Tours and Admissions Events for Prospective Students

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Art, Drama, & Music
  • Business
  • College Preparation
  • Computers & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Leadership Skills
  • Math & Science
  • Medical Sciences
  • Social Studies
  • Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition
  • Writing & Language
  • Summer Program

If we can't meet in person, we'll bring the tour to you! Geared toward ninth- to 11th-grade students, these programs include an overview of MSU and the admissions process by an admissions counselor, followed by a student-led virtual tour of MSU's legendary 160+ year-old campus.

MSU's Animal Field Laboratories

MSU's Animal Field Laboratories

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Summer Program

Visitors are welcome to visit the many field laboratories on the south side of MSU’s campus between Mt. Hope and Jolly Roads. MSU is home to many animals including sheep, cows, horses, swine, cattle, and chickens. Milking procedures can be observed every afternoon. MSU's animal field laboratories are open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free.

Music Performances

Music Performances

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Observatory at MSU

Observatory at MSU

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Sailing Center

Sailing Center

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Summer Program

Tennis Facility

Tennis Facility

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
Theatre Department Performances

Theatre Department Performances

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Art, Drama, & Music

W. J. Beal Botanical Gardens

W. J. Beal Botanical Gardens

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Agriculture
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Visit the beautiful W. J. Beal Botanical Gardens, an outdoor laboratory display garden located on MSU’s campus near the Main Library. This garden is the oldest, continuously operated, university botanical garden of its kind in the United States, with more than 5,000 different kinds of plants. The Garden is open to the general public at all times throughout the year. Admission is free.

Virtual Resources

4-H Livestock Learning Video Series

4-H Livestock Learning Video Series

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 6—12
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care

This video series is appropriate for all levels of 4-H, from beginner to expert.

Have you ever wondered what a livestock judge is looking for when you select your animal project? Do you understand the fundamentals of showmanship or livestock nutrition? Do you have questions on caring for your livestock project? If you answered yes to any of those questions, there is a new Livestock Learning Video series from Michigan State University Extension that will answer those questions and many more.

This series is a great resource for all levels of 4-H youth. From beginners to experts, you will be able to implement new skills and strategies to make the best better. Experts from all over the United States joined us to teach on each of these topics. 4-H leaders can use these videos as an online learning tool with their 4-H clubs or to learn more on each project themselves.

Daily care, nutrition, showmanship and biosecurity are all key parts to making your livestock project a success. If you are missing a key piece to the puzzle, things don’t always come together right. Make sure your project is complete by joining and watching these videos to learn about those key aspects of your project.

Abrams Planetarium Virtual Field Trips

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Math & Science

Abrams Planetarium virtual field trips can offer:

  • Star talks about what's up in the night sky and personalize it to your group.
  • Tours of the universe, focusing on any astronomy topics you need (for instance, a talk on the solar system, galaxies, stellar evolution, more.)
  • Science demos.
  • Questions and answers.
  • Any combination of the above items.

Virtual field trips can be delivered via personal Zoom meeting for up to 300 people; a Facebook page takeover for your organization; a pre-recorded video (if you want Q&A, have participants submit questions in advance so they can be incorporated); another platform you already use, such as Google Classroom.


College Planning Guide for High School Students

College Planning Guide for High School Students

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • 9—12
  • College Preparation

One of the most important aspects in preparing to go to college involves effective planning and preparation. Even if you’re not sure about attending college, making the right choices now will keep college success available as an option for you. This planning guide is designed to provide direction and resources to students interested in attending college and is just one tool that you can use in this process.

Microbe Zoo Virtual Tour

Microbe Zoo Virtual Tour

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • K—8
  • Math & Science
  • Summer Program

Kindle your child’s interest in the intriguing world of microbiology and microbial ecology! The Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology (DLC-ME) at MSU provides online resources and CD-ROMs for students interested in microbiology. The DLC-ME has a virtual microbe zoo filled with pictures and descriptions of the microscopic wonders, along with sections on scientists who study microbes, related stories from the press, and an extensive list of resources available on the web. The Zoo has several major attractions, including Dirt Land, Animal Pavilion, Snack Bar, Space Adventure, and Water World. There is even a "Microbe of the Month"!

Wildlife & Natural History Q-Line

Wildlife & Natural History Q-Line

  • This program is seasonal or occurs year round
  • Pre-K—12
  • Environmental Science & Natural Resources
  • Math & Science

Have you ever found a bone or fossil in the yard and wondered if it could be part of a dinosaur? Have you ever found a snake and did not know if it was dangerous or not? Have you ever wondered why that turtle dug such a large hole? Questions like these and many more can be answered by accessing the website developed by the MSU Museum, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Zoology, and MSU Extension. "Critter Guy" Jim Harding coordinates educational information for all ages.